Whales of the day included both Minke whales and Fin whales on each of our trips today. This morning we saw 6 Minke whales and 3 Fin whales. We focused on the Fin whales in the area while Minke whales popped up around us. We had some familiar fins and even a newcomer today. Dingle and #0354 are still in our region.
Dingle the Fin whale |
We also found #0518 in our area for the first time this year. What a nice surprise as this whale appeared nearby one of the other Fin whales we were spending some time with this morning.
Fin whale swimming off the coast of New Hampshire |
We also ventured further offshore this morning in hopes of relocating a reported whale out on Jeffreys Ledge. Unfortunately, our efforts did not pay off. But without attempting the risk, rarely will you enjoy the rewards. So, while we came up empty-handed this time that will not deter us from searching, looking, and another time finding even more whales in the future. This afternoon we stayed closer to home as we knew the forecast included some weather perhaps making its way over the water. Before the weather hit, and we made our way through the most manageable sections of it, we got a chance to see 3 Minke whales and multiple Fin whales. There were 3 Fin whales in the area but we ended up spending time with both Dingle and #0354, getting some great looks at these massive whales.
Dingle still maneuvering around the area this afternoon |
Fin whale #0354 |
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