Today we headed out to Jeffreys Ledge with a school group from Goffstown. The extra rocking and rolling from yesterday's weather made our trip a bit more 'exciting' (or not, depending on your stomach) as we ventured offshore. We ended up finding 2 Fin whales and a Minke whale during our travels. We got some really nice looks at our first Fin whale for even though it was darting around the area it never moved terrible far in any direction.
Fin whale spout |
Do you see the white lower jaw of this Fin whale? This feature makes Fin whales one of the only asymmetrically-colored animals in the animal kingdom! |
Fin whale |
Our second Fin whale of the day was just the opposite. It was very much on the move and when you try to keep up with a 'greyhound of the sea' (that's what Fin whale's are nicknamed because they can swim so fast!) they typically win that challenge. We have more school trips this week and will be back out for our public whale watches this weekend so stay tuned!
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