Our whales today were once again inshore of Jeffreys Ledge. We saw multiple Fin whales and even a few Minke whales during both of our trips today. This morning we checked out 4 Fin whales and a couple of the 6 Minke whales we saw spread out around the larger baleen whales.
Minke whales typically surface with their nose/snout first just like in this photo |
This Minke whale coasted just past the front of the boat! |
Our first Fin whale of the day was literally less than 5 miles from Rye Harbor. What a surprise and a great way to start the day!
Fin whale with the Isles of Shoals in the distance |
Such a long amount of this Fin whale's body is visible at the surface at this moment in time |
Of the whales we spent time with this morning we were able to positively identify a few of our animals. We spent time with #1008, #9709 and Dingle!
Fin whale #1008 |
Close-up of Fin whale #9709's dorsal fin to see just how uniquely shaped this, and all Fin whale fins, can be. |
Dingle the Fin whale |
All of these whales were circling and darting back and forth throughout the area as we spent time watching these whales this morning.
Fin whale chevron pattern |
Our final whale of the trip completely surprised us as we had moved out of the area only to find out Fin whale #9709 (which we had seen miles away) was now near us once again. These mammals can certainly cruise around if they so desire!
This afternoon we once again came across a few of the same Fin whales from our morning trip. #1008 and #9709 were amongst the 3 Fin whales we saw out on the open ocean.
of our afternoon Fin whales not only maneuvering around lots of
fishing gear in the water but also plenty of boating activities at the
surface. Keep your eyes peeled for whale activity anytime you are on the
ocean. They certainly can pop up anywhere. Thanks! |
Who knows how long any one of these whales may continue to spend time so far inshore of the Ledge but it is great to have so many whales around allowing us to get some great looks at these massive mammals!
Incoming Fin whale |
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