Today we were fortunate enough to see toothed-whales and baleen whales on both of our trips! This morning we saw a pod of ~50 Atlantic white-sided dolphins and 4 humpback whales.
Atlantic white-sided dolphins (above and below) |
More spouts were out in the distance from multiple humpback whales but we spent our time with Spoon and her 2018 calf and Sedge.
Spoon and her calf |
Sedge |
Spoon's calf was rolling around at the surface a bit flipper slapping, spy-hopping and even breaching once randomly!
Spoon's calf spy-hopping! | |
This afternoon we saw 2 minke whales, 3 small pods of Atlantic white-sided dolphins, a fin whale and 5 humpback whales.
More Atlantic white-sided dolphins sighted this afternoon! |
Some whales were spending more time at the surface than others but we got some great looks at Wigwam and her 2018 calf and Clamp the humpback whales.
Clamp |
Wigwam's calf was being a little squirmy at the surface, rolling around, flipper slapping and also spy-hopping.
A spy-hop from Wigwam's calf! |
Wigwam at the surface while her calf begins to raise its flipper in the air |
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