What a day today. So many special sightings with great whales. This morning we saw a total of 5 humpback whales. We started with Doublet moving here, there and everywhere.
Doublet |
We then came across Spoon and her 2018 calf. The calf even began to jump out of the water and continued this behavior for a bit.
Spoon's calf catching some air! |
With boat traffic increasing in the area we left this pair and checked out one of the other humpback whales in the area. Sedge the humpback was one of those whales.
Sedge |
This afternoon we started with a minke whale just a few miles from the harbor. From there we remained well inshore of Jeffreys Ledge and attempted to check out 2 fin whales. These massive mammals were no doubt being elusive but when you have the second largest animals on Earth you have to try to get a look.
What a sneaky fin whale looks like. This whale barely showed ANY of its body at the surface! |
Eventually we cut our losses and went to check out a humpback whale in the area. Well, we were almost immediately distracted when a different humpback whale came out of nowhere breaching to make its presence known! We watched this whale continue this behavior for quite some time. Different whales breaching on boat trips today? For real?!? Speechless.
Hello breaching whale! |
Moment captured while this whale was smacking its flipper on the surface of the ocean |
Sky high breach! |
Only recently was I able to finally match this whale. It was Scylla's 2016 calf.
One last breaching photo of Scylla's 2016 calf |
Want to learn something even more fascinating? The whale we ended our trip on this afternoon was Scylla herself, moving through the area on her own accord while her past offspring had only just been nearby. Yep. Speechless.
Scylla |
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