The strong winds in the forecast kept us on land this afternoon but it didn't deter us from searching for whales this morning. Amid the ocean waves getting bigger and a good rain shower that traveled with us for most of the way home the ocean was chalk full of marine mammals! We saw 3 harbor seals, 4 pods of harbor porpoises, a large fin whale and that was only miles from home!
Can you find the seal peaking out? |
Fin whale |
Further offshore we saw 2 small pods of Atlantic white-sided dolphins (approximately 12 individuals in the first pod and 8-10 in the second group), 2 minke whales and 4 humpback whales.
Atlantic white-sided dolphins |
We spent time with three of the humpback whales in the area which included Gondolier and Wigwam and her 2018 calf.
Gondolier |
The calf stole the show today. Thanks to our
Blue Ocean Society interns, Theresa and Austin, they recorded the calf breach 50 times! Wow. That's a lot of energy!
One of the many breaches from the calf this morning! |
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