I always say that every trip is different. Well, today our trips were somewhat similar! This morning, we found some minke whales, a fin whale and some quick looks at some harbor porpoises. This afternoon, we found a fin whale, a few minkes and a quick look at some harbor porpoises! The difference was that this afternoon, we ventured to southern Jeffreys Ledge to check out a report of a humpback whale in that area. When we arrived, other whale watch boats were there but the whale was no where to be found! Wildlife is, well, wild after all. They come and go as they please which is why watching whales in the wild is so spectacular! We get to see them on their terms, not ours. The coolest part of todays' trips was that the fin whale was pretty close to shore! Often we need to travel at least 10 miles from land to find whales but this huge fin whale was about 4 miles offshore. Perhaps it was feeding on the same schools of mackerel that the fishing boats were seeking. Could this be the start of the inshore fin whale sightings like we had last summer??
Morning minke whale |
Morning minke whale |
Boats should respect the whales and travel at safe speeds around whales! |
Fin whale spout |
Morning fin whale |
Afternoon fin whale's chevron/blaze markings |
Afternoon fin whale- the same as the morning fin whale! |
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