
Tuesday, July 6, 2021

July 4-6, 2021

The weather managed to provide conditions for whale watching in the afternoon on Independence Day. Nice to be back on the water even though the leftover swell was still prevalent. Our first sighting was an important sighting in the whale world. Jabiru and her 2021 calf. The calf is an open (or current) entanglement case having attempted in being disentangled by the Center for Coastal Studies disentanglement team. This pair has not been documented in over a month so documenting the calf's current status is REALLY important.

Jabiru and her calf diving (above and below)

While in the area a minke whale was sighted in the distance. Before heading for home we checked out another humpback whale nearby. Owl! Welcome friend. Sadly, Sunday's sightings were a blatant reminder of what these whales face on a daily basis. Entanglements in fishing gear and vessel strikes are the leading causes of deaths for large whales. Today, we spent time with an open entanglement case (Jabiru's calf) and a previously vessel-struck whale (Owl). A sobering thought of how and what these wild animals are faced with every potential day of their lives.


The ocean on Monday morning was pristine. Five minke whales were sighted throughout the trip. It took a little patience to get some good looks at Satula the humpback whale but it was worth it when this whale finally started to circle the area and create a few bubble clouds.


Further offshore we came across a pod of Atlantic white-sided dolphins. What perfect conditions to watch them dart around the boat.
Dolphins approaching in such calm seas!
Atlantic white-sided dolphins (above and below)

 Finally, a fin whale rounded out the morning adventures.
Fin whale
The forecast for an afternoon breeze was right on schedule as we headed out to Jeffreys Ledge on Monday afternoon. Many thanks to our fishing friends (who provided the report!), we found four humpback whales and two fin whales out on Jeffreys Ledge. The fin whales were cruising through the area while the humpback whales were circling around. Some new yearly visitors, and familiar tails, our humpback whales included Tripod, Trickle, Quote and Pipette!

Tuesday's trips continued to bring on the sightings. On both trips we sighted Atlantic white-sided dolphins and numerous humpback whales.
Dolphin and humpback whale during Tuesday's morning trip
Atlantic white-sided dolphin 'photo-bombing' as Valley goes on a dive
Tuesday's morning trip also produced an ocean sunfish! Identified whales throughout the day on Tuesday included Basmati, Valley, Sword, Clamp, Spoon, Chromosome, Jabiru and her 2021 calf, Halfmoon, Badge, Quill and Galapagos.
Ocean sunfish
Afternoon sighting of a humpback whale and dolphin!
The sunshine was hiding most of the day so don't forget to pack layers for the boat as the wind and waves can provide additional cool down measures at times.

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