
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

July 26-27, 2021

It was another day of wonderful whales on Monday. In the morning, five humpback whales were sighted along with seven minke whales.

Blue Ocean Society adoptable whales Owl, Satula and Pinball were even seen on both trips!


In the afternoon a total of seven humpback whales were found, a minke whale, an ocean sunfish and even a quick glimpse of a blue shark. So many special moments of wildlife recently!

On Tuesday the weather and whales continued. During the morning trip eight humpback whales were seen along with a massive fin whale. Fin whale sightings have been few and far between this season so it was a wonderful surprise to come across.

Owl the Humpback whale in the foreground while a fin whale surfaces nearby!
Fin whale!

Humpback whales in the morning included Wigwam, Crisp, Frost, Tripod, Sword, Clamp, Satula and Owl. The afternoon provided plenty of great looks at eight of the humpback whales we spent time with. A couple harbor seals even made a brief appearance. Our afternoon passengers were able to check out humpback whales Clamp, Satula, Jawa, Frost, Pinball, Tripod, Owl and Wigwam.

Harbor seal

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