There was such a variety of marine life on Saturday. In the morning, we started in an area where three minke whales were moseying around.
Minke whale
A blue shark even made a brief appearance. Further offshore, we came across a pod of 200 Atlantic white-sided dolphins!
Atlantic white-sided dolphins
In the pristine conditions, it was breathtaking to watch these toothed whales move through the water. Later in the trip, we found two basking sharks and even an ocean sunfish.
Ocean sunfish
Basking sharks have been infrequent sightings in recent years, so seeing two in one trip was quite the surprise!
Subsurface basking shark
In the afternoon, our first sighting was an ocean sunfish, followed by a minke whale.
Minke whale (above and below)
We even found a pod of dolphins, but this time it was a group of four. How different a few matter of hours can be between our movements and the whales. Life to look at, and each trip providing such unique moments!
Afternoon ocean sunfish
The day started on Sunday with a pod of Atlantic white-sided dolphins. This group was cruising through the water at a pretty good clip. Turns out, we ended up finding two pods during our journey offshore.
Atlantic white-sided dolphins (above and below)
We also spent time with Satula the humpback whale. This whale has been sporadically showing itself over the past few weeks, a sight we always enjoy.
On our afternoon travels we attempted to check out a minke whale before Mother Nature had other plans. Needless to say, we got wet. I mean a good soaking kind-of-wet. After our "fresh water rinse," we spent time watching Satula, still circling around, even creating a few bubble clouds.
Varying levels of clouds, sun and rain this afternoon!
Whales live in water so rain from above never seems to bother them.
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