The Gulf of Maine continues to keep us on the edge of eagerness with all the marine life the ocean has to offer. On Monday, our first sighting of the trip was a loggerhead SEA TURTLE!!!!
Loggerhead sea turtle!!!!!
Oh my goodness, what an unexpected special treat. Sea turtle sightings are few and far between - we can go entire seasons without seeing a single one! What an incredible way to start the day. Once we found ourselves offshore, we had multiple species of whales in a small area. A couple minke whales, two fin whales and Dross the humpback whale were all busy darting around.
Minke whale
Fin whale
Dross the humpback whale (above and below)
Tuesday's whale watch had some added movement as the wind and waves were holding their own. We were once again fortunate to spend time with Dross the humpback whale. This whale was spending the majority of the time at the surface, just moseying around the area, allowing for some great looks. A minke whale made a very brief appearance and even a Kemp's Ridley's sea turtle was sighted but alas did not resurface, even after circling back, in hopes of relocating it.
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