
Sunday, July 24, 2022

July 23-24, 2022

With the cranked-up heat this weekend, heading offshore provided a much-enjoyed reprieve to be surrounded by the cooler ocean. Saturday, we spent time with four whales on each of our trips. However, the individuals were different each time! In the morning, we checked out fin whale #0520, humpback whale Dross, a pair of fin whales (including #0331), and even an ocean sunfish.

Sleek fin whale
Pair of fin whales!
Ocean sunfish

In addition, a small pod of Atlantic white-sided dolphins was moving through the area, lackluster of us attempting to watch them.

On our afternoon trip, after a brief sighting of an ocean sunfish, we came across three humpback whales - Quote, her calf, and Dyad. A fin whale even moved into the area before wrapping up the day.

Quote and calf

Diving humpback whales
Sunday started with an ocean sunfish in route to Jeffreys Ledge. Further offshore, we stopped to check out a large fin whale. This whale has been sighted a few times this season. So cool to know it is still around!
Ocean sunfish
Fin whale
We then spent time with Mogul, the humpback whale, and a quick look at another humpback whale Quill.
Humpback whale

Sunday afternoon, the wind kicked up and we certainly cooled down as we headed back out. The ocean was lumpy (and a little wet!), but the whales seemed to be unphased. Five humpback whales were seen including Quote and her 2022 calf, Mogul, Tripod and Valley.

Quote's calf got a little wiggly, breaching a few times, flipper slapping and playing with seaweed.
Calf's flipper and a great shearwater
Can you see the seaweed on top of this whale's head?

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