July 21, 2022
We were greeted by a hazy horizon on Thursday morning, but it was still much-needed relief from the hot, humid weather inshore. We were able to spend time with a total of three humpback whales: Diablo, Pinball, and Clamp. These whales gave us some great looks between dives.
On our way back to Rye Harbor, we were surprised by some
splashing in the distance. It turned out to be a breaching minke whale! This
was a younger whale, possibly only a few years old. Our passengers were treated
to over 50 breaches, which even continued as we left the area.
Severe storms kept us tied to the dock in the afternoon, but what a wonderful morning trip!
July 22, 2022
This morning we started to head to the area where we had
whales yesterday but got sidetracked by some blows before we got there! Three humpback whales were in the area, including one single and one pair! The single whale has yet to be identified even though we got a nice look at its flukes. Maybe it's a new visitor!!
The extreme heat continued Friday afternoon, and our passengers were relieved to get out on the water. We first came across a pod of Atlantic white-sided dolphins. There were about 50 individuals in this group, including a few calves!

After leaving Valley and Tripod, we found a whale named Quill. This male humpback gave passengers some beautiful last looks before we headed home. On our way back, we got quick looks at a blue shark and a small group of harbor porpoises. A great start to the weekend!
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