
Wednesday, July 20, 2022

July 20, 2022

This morning, we found a humpback whale, Satula, on our way out to the Ledge. Surprisingly, he was about 26 miles from his last known sighting just a few days ago! This guy really gets around!

We continued on and got some looks at a couple of ocean sunfish, an ever-increasingly popular fish in our area.


Our intern, Jill, spotted a blow nearby, which turned out to be a huge fin whale! Over the years, we’ve been seeing fewer fin whales than in years past, so our recent influx in sightings has been welcomed and exciting!


We passed by a few minke whales and harbor porpoises on our way home before preparing for our afternoon trip.

The southerly wind picked up, bringing a much-appreciated cool breeze across our decks. We headed to a different location from our morning trip and found a pair of humpbacks. What was even more exciting was to see that this was a mother and calf pair! We watched these two for a bit before moving on to find more whales.


Another humpback whale was soon found. This one was by itself and quickly identified as Pinball!  At one point, she swam toward our boat and circled around us before diving!


A fourth humpback was in the area, surrounded by some tuna-fishing boats. Although this whale wasn’t always lifting its flukes to show us who it was, we could figure this out based on its dorsal fin and small scars.  Diablo has recently been known to dive without fluking, and our intern Ana quickly pointed that out!


As we watched Diablo, a large grey seal was circling the area, too!

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