Saturday: what a day. From start to finish we couldn't have asked for
better weather conditions and the sightings just kept coming. The seas
were calm as could be so watching anything roaming in the ocean was
a sight to be seen. During the morning trip we started with a quick
look at an ocean sunfish.
Ocean sunfish |
on Jeffreys Ledge we came across five humpback whales. All five of
these whales were sleeping. Not a bad surrounding to take a mid-morning
nap! Valley and her 2020 calf were in one spot while a trio consisting
of Jabiru, Spoon and Quote rested in another area.
Valley diving |
Valley's calf |
Trio of humpback whales |
We also can't forget about our Atlantic puffin sighting! Sorry birding friends, this bird was well in the state of Massachusetts.
Hello puffin! |
On our travels home our keen-eyed crew spotted a small pod of Atlantic white-sided dolphins. A dollop of extra goodness to an already great trip!
Dolphin |
The afternoon began with a larger pod of ~25 Atlantic white-sided dolphins as we ventured back offshore.
More dolphins |
Before getting to the ledge our crew once again(!) directed us to an very
unusual sighting. A leatherback sea turtle was at the surface. Little
did we know what we were in store for as we sneaked into the area. This,
the largest of the sea turtles, was having lunch! The leatherback
turtle was busy chomping down on a lion's mane jellyfish, their food of
choice, while 5-7 pilot fish maneuvered below the feast! There we sat
enthralled as we witnessed some amazing looks at just an animal eating
some food.
Lunch time for this turtle! |
Remnants of the lion's mane jellyfish cascading down the sides of this leatherback turtle's mouth!
This leatherback was not letting this jellyfish out of its sight, or mouth!
It's amazing how something so simple can be so incredible. Needless to say the entire crew was blown away.
Simply incredible
we forced ourselves to leave this turtle to its delicious meal and focus back
on the whales. We first began with Quote, who was regularly creating
bubble clouds. Then Jabiru was briefly associated with Valley and her
Quote feeding |
Jabiru |
Valley and her calf
if we hadn't enjoyed enough wildlife for the day on our travels home a minke
whale decided to breach multiple times in our wake! Today = an ocean safari to
the utmost level. With even a fraction of the activity seen today it still would have
made for a fantastic day. Sometimes even the ocean leaves us speechless.
On Sunday, a slight breeze kept us cooler offshore as we went searching for wildlife. In the morning we found Jabiru and Spoon.
Spoon and Jabiru
Spoon's flipper |
These two ladies were being about as lazy as they could be and why not? Even whales need rest! The breeze was slightly stronger in the afternoon but still refreshing especially knowing what's to come with temperatures this week! Our first stop on our afternoon trip was Quote on the move.
Quote diving |
Once we left her we headed to another distant blow. In a matter of a few surfacings suddenly a trio of humpback whales were together. Independently, Quote had now joined up with Spoon and then Jabiru. All three whales joined side by side.
A bubble cloud from one of our humpback whales
Whale tail |
Humpback whales
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