The seas were calm and whale sightings a success today. This morning we saw 7 minke whales, 3 humpback whales and a nursery pod of ~50 Atlantic white-sided dolphins.
Faint minke whale spout |
Geometry the humpback whale was found swimming around on its own while minke whales were scattered about both before and after the Isles of Shoals.
Geometry |
We next found humpback whales Spoon and Jabiru swimming side by side one other in the calm ocean.
Jabiru |
potentially scary moment as these two whales swam VERY close to this
fishing gear. Entanglements in fishing gear is a major threat all whales
face on a daily basis. This time, all was free and clear. |
Our humpback whales were mainly resting at the surface allowing for some beautiful calm looks!
Spoon and Jabiru after slowly passing by the fishing gear and us at the surface |
One of our awesome passengers spotted a very special treat at the end of the trip as we were privy to watch a nursery pod of dolphins. A terrific way to wrap up our morning!
Dolphins |
Atlantic white-sided dolphin |
This afternoon our trip started with a very fast moving minke whale. This whale was speeding through the swells literally porpoising through the ocean!
Minke whale charging through the water |
Porpoising minke whale! |
We then came across perhaps the same pod of dolphins from this morning but more dolphins had joined in for now this pod looked closer to ~60+ Atlantic white-sided dolphins, still with many babies!
Baby white-sided dolphin!!! |
Dolphins swimming by the boat (above and below) |
We ended our afternoon trip with the same 3 humpback whales from this morning but this time they were all together! They were on the move a bit but Geometry, Spoon and Jabiru were associated with one another.
Two of the three humpback whales at the surface |
Spoon going on a deeper dive |
Geometry even breached entirely out of the water at one point! It was such an unexpected moment that unfortunately I did not capture a photo but for the many folks that saw So many memorable moments today!
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