Marine mammals: check. Fish: check. Beautiful weather: check. Variety on Jeffreys Ledge: double check.
As we made our way out to Jeffreys
Ledge this morning we made a few circles as we attempted to get some
looks at a few Minke whales and even a couple Fin whales. In the midst
of our attempts to maneuver through the area there was a different type
of fin above the water. An Ocean sunfish was nearby! These unique
looking fish can be fearless sometimes and after we slowed down, the
fish decided to swim over towards us! The Ocean sunfish literally
starting swimming laps around the boat.
A stare-off between fish and human
No need for you to move just wait for the fish to come to you! It
was definitely one of the top best looks at an Ocean sunfish I have seen
before this particular fish eventually swam down into the deep ocean.
It was time to press on and look for some marine mammals.
Such the interesting looking creature of the ocean
Most of the whales we were seeing were spending a good deal
of time under the water, and as for the Fin whales, on the move. Just
as we were about to cut our losses with a pair of Fin whales spending
plenty of time under the water and surfacing out in the distance we
suddenly saw splashing, and there was a lot of splashing. A pod of
Atlantic white-sided dolphins suddenly had made themselves known. We
quickly realized why they seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. These
whales were on the move.
From tail to the tip of the nose, these dolphins move with such ease!
Even as we continuously had to move along with this pod of 150
whales, we got some gorgeous looks as they appeared to move effortlessly
in the water and yet were still keeping up a good pace. With such a
large group moving through the water they appeared everywhere and many
times there were so many of them at the surface you just didn't know
where to focus your attention towards!
Atlantic white-sided dolphin
What a very pleasant surprise to find such a species considering we only
see Atlantic white-sided dolphins on about 20% of our trips! More
marine life and yet we still had more time to do some exploring.
Next stop was back in the fish world. We saw the dorsal fin
of a Blue shark. Unfortunately we were a bit late in spotting the fish
for as soon as we slowed and our wake rolled over the area, the shark
quickly disappeared. Then just ahead of us we saw more ripples.
Another shark was near by! Nope, wrong. The small disturbance we were
seeing was actually from another fish. This fish appeared to be feeding
on the seaweed floating at the surface of the water. So of course
since the fish appeared to be going nowhere fast we stopped to snap a
few pictures. Yes we know we are on a whale watching boat, but how
often does a free swimming fish spend time on the surface without a
baited hook in the water?
Our fish was chowing down on the seaweed!
We have not gotten a positive identity on our fish-friend but what
great conditions to be out on the open ocean peering down into the
water. Okay, it was time to go see those whales again.
A bit more travelling and we found another Fin whale. Once
again even this Fin whale was spending lots of time under the water. A
few times we needed to catch up to this whale and eventually got some
nice looks as this whale went down on a deeper dive.
Fin whale
With a bit more time to search the horizon we decided to see if
anything else was out on the ledge. Low and behold we saw a whale
surface out in the distance. As quickly as it surfaced we stopped. A
highly endangered North Atlantic Right whale had just come up for a few
breaths of air. The rarest of the whale species here in our area was
amongst us. Extremely strict regulations are in effect for any sized
boat when in the vicinity of such a rarity and so as quickly as we saw
it out in the distance we knew it was time for us to go home. Even from
afar it was a special occasion to be witness to such a marine mammal.
This afternoon we had no idea what to expect since this morning's
trip had been completely unusual and exciting all on its own. Once
again Mother Nature provided more unexpectedness. Whale sighting number
one was a Fin whale our friends aboard the
Atlantic Queen were
spending time with. They had informed us this whale was only spending a
few minutes under the water. Considering the lengthy time all our
morning Fin whales had been taking under the water we couldn't pass up
the chance to check out this whale. Turns out it was #9709, a whale
first seen on Jeffreys Ledge in 1997! We got some great looks at this animal as it circled around.
The white lower jaw of #9709
As we spent time in the area we started to see a spout out in the
distance. One became two. Then through the binoculars two became three
then quickly four. There were more whales just a few miles away!
After a bit more time with our large Fin whale we were off to check out
exactly what was out in the distance. Turns out there were 5 Humpback
whales around!
We first started with a few singles circling around the area.
Crystal is still out there, circling around, and spending yet another
day out on Jeffreys Ledge. The other whale, a newcomer for the season, was Pumpkin Seed.
Pumpkin Seed
This whale was also doing some circling and even produced a bubble
cloud, a sign of some feeding occurring further down in the ocean. With
some nice looks at these whales, and time beginning to run short, we
eased our way through the Minke whales popping up and over to the trio
of Humpback whales were were seeing.
Soon all three whales while still synchronizing their surfacings
and dive times were also sleeping. These whales were in the process of
taking some naps. They all remained floating on the surface, breathing
every now and then, and really not moving through the water at all.
3 Humpbacks all in a row
We were able to get some incredible looks as Pina, Chablis, and Churn seemed to be motionless on the water's edge. What a fun and once again different experience out on Jeffreys Ledge.
Chablis' tail and Churn's dorsal fin
We actually saw Chablis May 26 this year and it has been almost 3
months before this whale has once again been around our part of the
ocean. Who knows what might swim in, or out, of the area tomorrow but
we are surely intrigued to find out!
Chablis |
Pina |
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