
Sunday, August 11, 2024

August 8, 2024

 Thursday morning, our first sightings consisted of a very cooperative basking shark, granting us excellent looks as it slowly moved along at the surface, before also coming across a small pod of Atlantic white-sided dolphins! 

Basking shark dorsal fin

Atlantic white-sided dolphins

After continuing along, we eventually came across Satula, an adult male humpback whale. 

Humpback diving

Ocean sunfish

While spending time with Satula, we were also passed by two different minke whales a little ways off of our bow. After starting our journey back towards Rye, we were able to make a quick stop with an ocean sunfish before our trip was done!

Thursday afternoon began the same way our morning trip ended, with an ocean sunfish! We were able to get excellent looks at our bony fish before continuing along to the southern end of Jeffrey's Ledge.

Ocean sunfish dorsal fin

After making our way south, we spent the rest of our afternoon with two humpback whales, Satula and Mogul. 

Distant humpback diving

Both of these whales were most definitely busy chasing down schools of fish, making us work a little extra hard to get some looks. Ultimately we got some breathtaking looks at Satula as he began circling bait beneath our boat, giving us some close looks before we made our journey back towards home!

Satula diving towards us!

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