
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

August 5-6, 2024

Monday morning was a "sharky" kind of morning. As we traveled along, we saw five sharks - three basking sharks and two blue sharks. The calm seas helped immensely in looking for small dark fins breaking the surface. 

Basking shark dorsal fin
Subsurface blue shark
Whale-wise, we watched a humpback whale and a fin whale. Both whales were spending only a few minutes underwater, allowing great looks in beautiful seas. 
Humpback whale
Fin whale

On Monday afternoon, the first whale sighting of the trip was a pod of approximately 45 Atlantic white-sided dolphins. These toothed whales are always crowd-pleasers.

Atlantic white-sided dolphins leaping out of the water!

Offshore, we got some great looks at a fin whale. We briefly stopped on an ocean sunfish on our ride in, and to our surprise (especially our passengers!), it breached right next to the boat. Wildlife has a way of keeping us on our toes! 

Fin whale
Ocean sunfish moments before it breached! (I missed the breach, sorry!)
The weather kept us on land on Tuesday, so we'll wait and see what the ocean has in store for us on our next adventure.

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