
Friday, August 23, 2024

August 21-22, 2024

 Wednesday morning was filled with Atlantic white-sided dolphins and fin whales! The fin whale were staying down for a while but not moving too far between dives. We saw a fin whale that was seen a few days ago, as evidenced by its distinctive speckling which is somewhat unusual. 

Fin whale with Mt. Agamenticus in the background

Speckled fin whale

The dolphin pod included lots of calves, and one dolphin that was sporting a bright yellow tag on its fin! Stranding teams will tag some dolphins with ID tags after they release them back into the wild. We will send this image along to the stranding teams and hopefully find out where it had stranded. Great to see that it is doing well!

Wednesday afternoon, we saw a basking shark before finding a couple of wiggly humpback whales. The humpbacks may have been juveniles and we are still trying to figure out who they are!

We also saw a cooperative fin whale before heading back to the harbor.

Thursday morning, we spent time with two fin whales who were alternating surfacings. A third fin whale was spotted off in the distance.

We continued on to find a fourth fin whale before it was time to head back to shore.

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