
Sunday, August 25, 2024

August 23, 2024

 The whole of Friday can be summed up as "fin whale soup." Our morning trip consisted of us traveling between four different fin whales spending time in the same general area. 

Fin whale exhaling

Fin whale diving

After spending time with three of these whales, we made our way over to the fourth before we had to turn for home, and on our last surfacing, this whale was joined by one of the other fin whales and the area as they became associated!

Fin whale "tail rise"

As we ventured offshore in the afternoon, we didn't have to travel quite as far as the morning before we encountered a fin whale traveling by itself. We got some quick looks at this whale before also encountering a nearby ocean sunfish. 

Ocean sunfish dorsal fin

After getting some looks at our sunfish, we continued further until coming into an area with four more fin whales! Almost all of these whales were very busy chasing down schools of fish, indicated by them constantly circling around left and right as they spent time near the surface.

Fin whale diving

Fin whale

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