
Sunday, August 18, 2024

August 17-18, 2024

Saturday was a fin whale kind of day. On Saturday morning, as we ventured offshore, our first spout of the day was a humpback whale. 

Distant, and brief, look at a humpback whale diving

Well, spouts were about as much as you could see of this whale after its first surfacing. Spending plenty of time subsurface, and only taking one or two breaths at the surface, we ultimately decided to depart the area and do some more searching. We did find a small pod of Atlantic white-sided dolphins that we checked out before spending time with a fin whale. 

Atlantic white-sided dolphin
Fin whale

Fin whales are massive, and we got some nice looks at the second-largest animal on Earth! On Saturday afternoon, we ended up in an area with four fin whales. These whales were crossing paths with each other, so we watched as they shifted around. What impressive sights to see these whales move so sleekly through the water.

Fin whale
Fin whale spout

Huge fin whale in the process of diving
Little did we know what was in store for us on Sunday, but that's what makes our trips so exciting. When it comes to wildlife, expect the unexpected. On Sunday morning the rain was coming down, but the horizon was present, and the seas were as calm as calm could be. Our first sighting of the day was a pod of 65 Atlantic white-sided dolphins. We even found a second pod of approximately 80. 
Leaping Atlantic white-sided dolphin!
Dolphin in the rain
Incoming Atlantic white-sided dolphins
Along our way, we also saw two blue sharks and a basking shark. 
Blue shark
Basking shark dorsal fin
The fish sightings weren't over yet. Our eagle-eyed Captain spotted a swordfish!!!! What a sight to come across. Still in shock of our fortunate luck.
Swordfish right next to the boat!
The trip wrapped up with some great looks at a fin whale and a second during our travels home.
Fin whale (above and below)

On Sunday afternoon the surface of the ocean was still so calm, and we first checked out a pod of approximately 30 Atlantic white-sided dolphins. 
We then found two fin whales circling the area. These whales kept alternating surfacings allowing for some impressive looks at these massive mammals! 
Fin whale (above and below)
We even found a second pod of Atlantic white-sided dolphins on our way home. Phew, what a day full of activity. 

We will not be whale watching on Monday, as the ocean effects from Hurricane Ernesto stir up the ocean, so we'll share our sighting news next time we are out on the water.

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