The fog lingered all day on Saturday. At times, there was some visibility to work with, at other times, almost nothing. Patience paid off though. In the morning, we saw two minke whales and three humpback whales - Mogul and Tripod and her 2023 calf. The minke whales were darting around as they tend to do. Mogul was creating a few bubble clouds and Tripod's calf breached a few times as we departed the area!
Minke whale in the fog
Humpback whale
Tripod and her calf
In the afternoon, we came across six humpback whales. We first found Pinball and her 2023 calf, followed by Satula, Valley and her 2023 calf and Mogul.
Pinball and her calf
This time it was Valley and her calf that were active at the surface, mostly Valley!
Breach! |
Valley's calf (left) and Valley (right)
Valley flipper-slapping
On Sunday, the fog dial continued as we found ourselves in and out of it throughout the day. In the morning we found a pod of Atlantic white-sided dolphins! This group of ~75 had a few calves and was fun to watch even in the fog.
Atlantic white-sided dolphin!
Out on Jeffreys Ledge, we searched in all directions where we have seen whales over the past few days. After a LOT of searching, Owl the humpback whale surfaced! Unfortunately, this whale dove as soon as it had been seen and we were unable to relocate it. Sunday afternoon, we once again found a pod of ~50 Atlantic white-sided dolphins en route to the ledge.
Afternoon sighting of dolphins
This time, once we made it to Jeffreys Ledge, we came across two mother-calf humpback whale pairs. We were able to spend time with Valley and her 2023 calf and Pinball and her 2023 calf.
Valley's calf swimming in towards the boat
Pinball and her calf
While the weather continues to waft in varying levels of visibility, we thank all our passengers for your patience and continued searching to help find the whales that are spending time in our area of the Gulf of Maine.
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