Strong persistent wind kept us tied to the dock all day Monday. On Tuesday, a leftover swell from the churned ocean remained but conditions were more manageable. Tuesday morning we started with a large fin whale. This whale was being extremely consistent; 10 minutes dives and not moving far each time it surfaced. We got some fin-tastic looks at this massive mammal.
Fin whale (above and below) |
We also saw a couple minke whales and four humpback whales. A trio of humpback whales were moving around together: Owl, Valley and Daffodil.
Three humpback whales |
Owl |
During the afternoon trip two minke whales were sighted, a pod of 15-20 Atlantic white-sided dolphins and seven humpback whales were in the area including Owl, Valley, Daffodil, Spy, Patches and Sword.
Whale tail |
Atlantic white-sided dolphins moving through the waves |
Pair of humpback whales |
Patches the humpback whale |
On Wednesday the ocean continued with leftover movement (the ocean is a vast body of water and wave-action can last for a long time depending on a few factors!). In the morning we spent time with three humpback whales: Sword, Decimal and I.T. We even checked out an ocean sunfish we saw during our travels home.
Morning humpback whale |
Ocean sunfish |
The afternoon trip included passing a few minke whales as we made our way offshore, four humpback whales (Owl, Spy, Sword and I.T.), two ocean sunfish and a small pod of 10-12 Atlantic white-sided dolphins.
Subsurface ocean sunfish |
Owl |
Humpback whale with a couple dolphins in the background |
Pair of humpback whales |
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