
Sunday, June 30, 2024

June 29-30, 2024

Our only trip of the weekend was Saturday morning, as the weather kept us on land the rest of the weekend. Just as it has been in recent days, the ocean was full of wildlife. On Saturday, our sightings included at least nine fin whales, one minke whale, a pod of 75 Atlantic white-sided dolphins, four humpback whales, and four basking sharks. 
Uniquely shaped dorsal fin of one of our fin whales
Humpback whale diving
There was so much to check out! Fin whale spouts could be seen in the distance, dolphins were occasionally associated with fin whales, basking sharks were feeding, and humpback whales were lunging through the surface.
Fin whale
Basking shark (tail fin is on the left, dorsal fin on the right)!
Humpback whales surface feeding
Two humpback whales lunging on their sides
Stay tuned as we roll into the holiday week and see what the ocean has in store for us next!

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