
Sunday, June 16, 2024

June 16, 2024

Apologies for not updating our website with recent sightings! Our crew has experienced several personal misfortunes over the past few weeks, leaving us scrambling to keep up. But don’t worry! The sightings have been fantastic, with several groups of huge fin whales, lots of new humpback whales, and even some basking sharks!

This morning, June 16, we found five fin whales (all solitary) and four humpback whales (including Bayou and her calf), as well as a small pod of harbor porpoises and a breaching basking shark.


Humpback mom/calf pair

Fin whale

The afternoon trip found a trio of fin whales, with at least two more in the area, as well as five humpback whales, including Dash-Dot, Dome, and Entropy.


Diving humpback whale

Two fin whales!

Fin whale

Whale spout

Humpback whale

We are still waiting on the fin whale ID’s, but stay tuned! 

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