
Sunday, June 23, 2024

June 22-23, 2024

On Saturday morning, our first stop was to check out a large fin whale. At one point it lunged through the water, just below the surface, a good representation of a feeding bout. After some beautiful looks at this sleek species, we were off to look for more spouts. 
Fin whale
Our next whales were humpback whales, five in total. These whales included Clamp and her 2024 calf, Diablo, Pinball, and Satula. Such familiar tails and yet each experience always provide unique moments and memories.
Clamp and her calf
On our afternoon travels to the same region of Jeffreys Ledge we first stopped on a minke whale. It was breaching! This whale jumped out of the water multiple times creating a good amount of whitewater. 
Minke whale breaching towards us
Whitewater created by the minke whale returning to the sea, after its aerial activity!
The rest of the trip was spent with two mother-calf humpback whale pairs. Clamp and her 2024 calf were in the area, along with Mudskipper and her 2024 calf. 
Mother-calf humpback whale pairs (above and below)
Both calves were sporadically active - breaching, lob-tailing and generally just "wiggling" around. 
Breaching calf!
Both trips on Sunday have been canceled so more updates to come another day.

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