
Sunday, June 2, 2024

June 1-2, 2024

 Saturday, June 1, 2024

Heading out to Jeffreys Ledge, we stopped on a few small pods of Atlantic white-sided dolphins. Several times, groups of 3-4 swam up to the boat, and even under our pulpit, delighting all on board! The seas were glassy calm, so we got great views of their unique coloration even underwater.

Shortly after, we came across a group of three humpback whales! The trio wasn’t familiar to us, and a couple of them appeared to be on the smaller size. But it’s nearly impossible to estimate age based on size. These whales surfaced close to us and even went under the boat before starting to feed. 

The trip was amazing, with perfect weather, too! After the trip was over, we consulted our resources and identified the humpback whales as Scorpio, Halloween and the recent calf of Bounce.


Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sunday’s trip covered a lot of territory! We started out by going to southern Jeffreys Ledge. We stopped on a fin whale that was less than cooperative, but while we waited for it, we found a huge basking shark! We then stopped on a different fin whale that had other things on its mind. Then, we got a report of a whale in a different direction. We headed up the ledge and saw a fin whale that we finally got decent looks at! The second-largest animal on the planet is amazing to see, especially when it stays up for more than one breath! 

Our crew today had over 100 years of combined experience searching for whales (that means we are old!), and it took every inch of our beings to show our guests a whale! Sometimes, we need to be humbled by the wild animals that we love to watch and who are really the ones in charge of each adventure.


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