
Friday, June 21, 2024

June 19-20, 2024

Wednesday morning, we found several humpback whales who were feeding at the surface! Lots of bubble clouds, lots of whales coming up with mouths full of water and fish! We even saw a mother with her calf, and although the calf is too young to be feeding on fish, it was mimicking its mom, coming up right next to her in the same way! So cute! A brief look at a basking shark rounded out the trip.

Wednesday afternoon, a humpback whale was seen close to the Isles of Shoals, just 5 miles off the coast! Most of our sightings are at least 10 miles from the harbor, so this was a surprise! Then the whale started blowing bubble clouds and charging up through them with its mouth wide open!  

Next, we found a fin whale who was also feeding at the surface and lunging sideways through patches of small fish and krill! We haven’t seen fin whales feeding this way in years! Amazing! 

And lastly, we found another humpback whale taking short dives and even tail-breached once! After we left, some of our group saw the whale breach out of the water head first! What a great day!


Thursday morning, several fin whales were spotted offshore. Two of them were matched to our local catalog as being Bp #0402 and Bp #0518! I love it when we are able to match these huge creatures!

As we continued along, we found a group of about 50 Atlantic white-sided dolphins including lots of newborn calves!

Then as we approached southern Jeffreys Ledge, we saw multiple humpbacks including our Adoptable Whale, Pinball and a mom/calf pair of humpbacks! The calf even breached!

Then we saw a large basking shark and a harbor seal on our way home! Another great day on the water!

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