Saturday was all about fin whales. We saw a group of FOUR during our morning trip and a pair in the afternoon.
Morning fin whale |
We were able to identify one of the whales we saw in the morning as Comet!
Comet |
Associations form and fizzle on the feeding grounds perhaps as easily as these whales move through the water. What a treat to witness them synchronizing their massive movements together.
Fin whale swimming through the waves during our afternoon trip (above and below) |
On Sunday morning's trip we saw two fin whales and two pods of Atlantic white-sided dolphins. The first whale of the day, identified as #0282, was charging around through the area with a small pod of dolphins sprinkled around!
Dolphin leaping out in front of a fin whale; look at that size difference! |
Fin whale chevron pattern and a dolphin trying to photo-bomb the image 😄 |
We later spent time with another group of Atlantic white-sided dolphins and a second, more slowly moving, fin whale.
Atlantic white-sided dolphins crashing through the ocean |
During our afternoon trip the winds subsided and the ocean was beautiful. And the whales all but disappeared! We had to do a lot of searching and while we ultimately spotted two minke whales we truly only watched one of them. Nature, always doing her best to keep us on our toes...
Minke whale |
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