Happy Labor Day! Time continues to go by faster than it should sometimes. Temperatures today felt more like mid-August than September but the whales of course don't mind. During our trip we saw 10 humpback whales, two minke whales, a pair of fin whales, a pod of 15-20 Atlantic white-sided dolphins and a couple of seals. Many of our mammal sightings were napping, maybe enjoying the same weather conditions we were experiencing.
Sleeping harbor seal |
Our first whale of the day approached our boat a few times getting some incredible looks at this mellow whale.
Humpback whale swimming towards us |
Humpback whale checking us out (while we floated on the surface with our engines off of course!) |
Our pair of fin whales were being a little stealthy and further offshore more pairs and trios of humpback whales were napping.
Fin whale |
Trio of humpback whales |
Some of our humpback whales included Spoon, Spoon's 2018 calf, Chromosome, Owl, I.T., Jabiru, Sigma, Chablis and Chinook.
Owl |
Our dolphins were in small sub-pods and occasionally became associated with the humpback whales scattered around.
Atlantic white-sided dolphin |
We are heading into our fall whale watching schedule so continue to check out our updates as our trips run through Columbus Day weekend!
Whale tail |
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