
Friday, July 19, 2024

July 17-18, 2024

July 17, 2024 

 he Jeffreys Ledge region is teeming with marine life these days! The abundance of species and bait has been phenomenal. Daily trips are finding harbor porpoises, Atlantic white-sided dolphins, harbor seals, grey seals, basking sharks, ocean sunfish, bluefin tuna, minke, fin, and humpback whales!! Oh, and the krill have been fabulous to see! Giant rafts of red krill blanketing the ocean are rare in our area but are always welcome as they are one of the many links in our food chain! Also, two of Blue Ocean Society's adoptable whales were spotted in the same area, Pinball and Satula!

        Morning trip photos:

Fin Whales

Atlantic white-sided dolphins


Great Shearwater taking off

Satula, the humpback whale!

Pinball diving

        Afternoon trip photos: 

Fin Whale

Humpback Whale diving

Humpback Whale exhaling

July 18, 2024 

This morning we went in a different direction to check out some reports of whales in another area that we hadn’t been to in a while. We found several pods of Atlantic white-sided dolphins, some harbor porpoises, a basking shark, and four fin whales, including the same trio that was spotted yesterday!

Atlantic white-sided dolphin

Basking Shark swimming away

Fin Whale

Fin whale

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