
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

July 14, 2024

 Absolutely beautiful conditions on Sunday morning first gave way to a rather spread out pod of  a hundred or so Atlantic white-sided dolphins. While spending time with these dolphins, we also noticed a different fin breaking the surface, so we took a small detour to check out a nearby ocean sunfish!

Atlantic white-sided dolphin

Ocean Sunfish

After spending time with the sunfish and reconnecting with the dolphins for a short while, we decided to press, taking advantage of the stunning surface conditions. After travelling a ways we stumbled upon our first large whale of the trip, a fin whale. Not long after spotting this fin whale, we started to see distant blows from other whales in the area, so we continued further offshore to investigate. This gave way for us to spend time with a pair of humpback whales, identified as Springboard and Crossbeam.

Fin whale diving

Pair of humpback whales

Both humpback whales occasionally returning to the surface, filtering out saltwater as they continued to feed down in the depths of the ocean. Finally, before making our return back towards Rye Harbor, getting to spend some time with a very familiar whale for us, Pinball!

Sunday afternoon kicked off with some early looks at a fin whale as we made our way out towards Jeffrey's Ledge. We were able to sit still while this whale surfaced on both sides of the boat for some excellent looks before we continued our journey. 

Fin whale diving

After making our way towards the southernmost regions of the ledge, we approached our second fin whale of the trip as a school of bluefin tuna crashed through the surface off of our port side. Ultimately, we pressed on to spend time with a humpback whale, who was very busy chasing down bait beneath the surface. 

Humpback whale diving

Distant fin whale

As we made our turn back towards Rye, we were able to pass by at least three more fin whales before we continued home. 

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