
Sunday, July 30, 2023

July 29-30, 2023

Saturday's trips were full of variety. There was plenty of marine life to see as we spent time on the open ocean. On Saturday morning, we started the trip with an ocean sunfish just a few miles from shore.

Ocean sunfish

Further out we saw at least six different minke whales, a few Atlantic white-sided dolphins and humpback whales Spoon and Chromosome moving around together.

Minke whales in stunning ocean conditions! (above and below)

Humpback whales
Humpback whale diving

Beautiful conditions continued for our Saturday afternoon trip. We sighted two ocean sunfish, humpback whales Spoon and Chromosome, and even a fin whale. So much to look at and enjoy!

Afternoon ocean sunfish
Humpback whale (above and below)

Fin whale surfacing for a breath of air

Fin whale diving. These whales are soooo big!
The wind Saturday night left a good swell on the ocean as we headed offshore on Sunday morning. As the day went on the roll subsided, and with minimal wind and no humidity, it was refreshing on the ocean! Sunday morning we saw seven humpback whales - Valley and her 2023 calf, Pinball and her 2023 calf, Gondolier, Mogul and Dyad.
Valley's calf (this whale was napping most of the time we watched it!)
Dyad diving
The afternoon provided plenty of whales too! We checked out Valley and her 2023 calf, Satula, Pinball and her 2023 calf, Jawa, Dyad, plus a fin whale on Sunday afternoon.

Valley and her calf
Humpback whale
With fin whale sightings being few and far between recently, it was a grand look at one of these massive mammals!
Fin whale

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